In The Great Below, 2014, etching, collage and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
To The Great Below, 2014, etching, collage and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
Ether, 2014, etching, collage and encaustic on paper, 52x81cm
Beyond Heaven and Earth, 2014, etching collage and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
Lapis Beads, 2014, etching, collage and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
Light After Dark, 2014, etching, collage and encaustic on paper, 52x81cm
Queen of the Night Sky, 2014, etching, drawing, ink, acrylic and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
Inanna, 2014, etching, drawing, collage and encaustic on paper 98x66cm
From the great Above, 2014, etching, drawing, ink and encaustic on paper, 98x66cm
Rose from her Throne, 2014, etching, drawing,ink, collage and encaustic on paper, 52x81cm
Set Out for the Underworld, 2014, etching, drawing, ink, collage and encaustic on paper, 52x81cm
2d Images Installed in the Gallery
Inanna's Lapis Lazuli Neckpiece, 2014, handmade silk paper, clay beads painted with acrylic,
Inanna's Breastplate, 2014, tarlatan and moulded silk paper,
Inanna's Cloak, 2014, tarlatan and moulded silk paper.
Inanna's Crown, 2014, woven 'Dodder Laurel' vine, dried roses,
Inanna's Royal Robe, 2014, tarlatan, silk paper.
The Seven gates at the Entrance to the Underworld (foreground), Inanna Hanging on the Hook (background), 2014, gates screen printed on Japanese paper, 2,300x98cm, encaustic treated moulded silk paper and tarlatan body of Inanna, metal hook, sandstone with beaten lead.
Inanna is Hung from a Hook, 2014, forged metal hook, moulded enacaustic silk paper and tarlatan, sandstone rock, beaten lead and ceramic bowl with gold leaf.
Alchemy, 2014, sandstone rock, beaten lead, ceramic bowl treated with gold leaf,
Earthly Trappings: Inanna Divests Herself of her Wolrdly Trappings, 2014
The Alchemical Process, 2014
Inanna is Hung from a Hook for Three Days and Three Nights, 2014